Thursday, December 30, 2010


Yeah, here it is! I know it really sucks, but oh well...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

It's late, but it's here!

The APPALINGLY HORRIBLE MALL SANTA has arrived just like a crisp Christmas package....days and days later! :)


Saturday, December 25, 2010


Yeah, it's the actual day!

And I haven't opened my presents yet...:(

BUT I hope a flip camera is in the mix!

Just Roy should be up tommorrow, or early Monday!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Art Teacher Christmas!!!

Here it is, finally! And I must say that it looks awesome!!

I forgot to mention...the song Rebekah is lip syncing to is "Gone Forever" by Three Days Grace...


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Art Teacher script is done and will be released Wednesday evening!

In the meantime, here's another t-shirt design!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sorry about the delays!

I ran into a lot of them! Friday night, I barely even moved....Saturdsy evening, I coudn't edit!

BUT it's worth it. This Spanish Class Christmas Special is really, really awesome!!

So, enjoy it!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hey! A T-shirt design!

Expect the Spanish class Christmas special late tonight....around 9 or 10. C'mon, it's the day of Christmas Break!!! You'll be up late, no?

But here's a t-shirt desgin I made of La ROUX!!!!

If you have an iPod touch, this is very easy to do!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hallie Thornbetter: Christmas Special

This video might just be the most epic one I've ever made!!!!

You'll see all the crazed special effects that I recently learned how to HAVE TWO OF ME ON THE SCREEN AT ONCE!!!

At the credits, you will get info about the rest of our upcoming Christmas specials!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow, snow, SNOW!!!

It's so pretty! Maybe, with this extra day, I can post Hallie Thornbetter! Wouldn't that be great?

Oh, yeah. I don't care that nobody voted for Justin Bieber. He's still going in the show, because I messed him up the last time.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Finding Glitter

I have decided that, when I play Ke$ha, I will wear no mask! Yep, my hair will be curled and I will find glitter around the house to smack upon my face!

DOn't expect any videos this weekend...I've got a Christmas show going on Sunday, rehersals all day Saturday, and a HUGE party on Friday!

So, I have alos come up with the Spanish Class Christmas Special!!

It will be called : SNow No Fun??

In the episode, it snows outside and the class gets a lovely boost of distraction.

Well, see ya here!

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Thanks for all the lucky wishes!

Unfortunatley, we did not break. :(

BUT I did come really close in my solo acting!

This chica got 2nd place in two of her rounds!


But I'm drunk on Pepsi Wild CHerry, fun, and friends. Gonna go pass out (in bed)...BYE!!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Wish me another luck!

This weekend, the team and I are venturing off to


I hope we smoke butt in duet acting! Maybe, I'll break ( make finals) in Solo Acting this time!

Wish RHS luck!!!