Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Five

Here's a tidbit from a new story of mine, The Five:

Problems, dished
""I couldn’t believe it. Just yesterday, my life was almost perfect. Today, it was a wreck. My crush, Carl, asked another girl to the dance. But, at lunch, my friends reminded me that we were all going together. “I’ll whoop his butt from here to Tacoma!” Chloe yelled, freaking out. “Don’t take it that far, it’s just a dance!” Garret said, rolling his eyes. “You would think it was senior prom the way you’re acting!” “Hello? Garret, girls obsess about everything!” Bridget said. “Oh, right. It’s only day two of my friendship with girls.” Garret laughed. “You’ll warm up.” Samuel assured. “Just like summer to winter! Brrr to aaah!” Samuel shook and shuddered to imitate the seasons. “Crazy boys.” Bridget said, shaking her head. “Hey, dances in middle school are for friends.” Samuel reminded. “Eh, middle school sucks.” Chloe said, slumping. We all laughed. “True that, especially with the fam.” Bridget sighed. “What else is wrong?” Chloe slumped forward, pretending to be interested so Bridget wouldn’t go into one of her weird depressions. “My aunt is going crazy again and the whole family is frustrated. Sometimes, I’m glad I moved here.” She shook her head. I bit my lip. Sometimes, I thought no one had problems worse than me. My perfect sister had just brought home a perfect report card and my brother hit a slammer home run at his last baseball game. What did I get? A report card good enough to have my name printed in the paper, but nothing more. Then, I looked at Bridget, who got more and more bad news about her family by the day. Garret, who had his mind fixed on sports, Chloe, who’s wild life exceeded mine, and Samuel who had just lost his enemy friend. I saw that I was one of the least problems.""


Kelsey said...

Nice! You captured my crazy aunt's behavior in one sentence! -K

Amaryllis said...

I like your story. It's very, oh, what's the word? Oh yeah, AWESOME! *Amaryllis*