Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Yay! Tonight, I'm going out as Alice Cullen with my friend, who will be Lady Gaga. Fun fun fun! We're gonna watch scary movies(but not too scary, I'm light-hearted) and do makerovers and sing Paramore and stuff!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Hey again!

Sorry if any of you read one of six random posts that were on my blog. They were NOT made by me! I can't wait for Halloween tomorrow! I will be hitting the streets with my friend dressed as Alice Cullen! Yeah! This week has been pretty good. I made a fun video about Twilight that 3 people like and one person hates. No other veiwers yet. Let's just forget the horse edition, K? I'm sure no one even cares...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I've sooo been away from my blog! No need to worry. I promise, not next weekend because of MERGE FALL RETREAT, THE AWESOMEST CHURCH RETREAT (WELL BESIDES TOUR)!!! But, the weekend after next I go see the. world's. best. band. no. questions. asked....PARAMORE!!!IEEEEEE!!!! BTW, you may notice my new profile picture? Yeah, that's Hayley Williams. She went blondie. Nevertheless, she looks awesome. Ok, so rat pack horse edition will probabbly be up in two fridays. :) See ya there, bloggies!