Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The Art Teacher-Episode 7

Here it is! The much awaited episode..."Other Side Of Vennela!"

Just to give you an update, Episode 8 "Skinny Skinny Skinny" will be released on Friday or Saturday!

Now, WATCH and make sure to vote on the AT related poll!


Charissa said...


Charissa said...

wait a sec... I promise, I did comment!!!! Your page doesn't say that!!! btw, in that "diaries of a popular" thing, I think u used my 2 fav songs of all time!!!!

Kelsey said...

Vennela's other side!! My favorite part was definitely when you fell down the stairs RRRREEEEEEALLLLLY slowly! And I cannot decide who my favorite character is! Not the art teacher, but probably Rebekah or Vennela.

Rebekah Paramore said...

yeah...the stairs techniwue was AWFUL!!!!

Charissa said...

You sounded like a chipmunk!! Love Vennela in this one!!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

wow that looks like a lot of work but great job and also i just got your comment on my blog dont know y but i kind of started not doing anything with it... wow tee heee miss ya and i hope your having a great summer!
