Monday, March 31, 2008

POKe'MON Question

Rapidash on top, Ponyta bottom.

Okay, pokemon fans. Here's a question for ya. What's your dream pokemon that you long to catch? Do you have it? If you caught it, what would you name it or what did you name it? Here's another question. Do you nickname your pokemon? If you don't have pokemon, answer question 2 anyway. If you had a game, would you nickname them? My dream pokemons(above), are the Ponyta and the Rapidash. I have caught them! and I do name my pokeomn. You're mean if you don't!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Science Project

Hello,all. It's 8:07 and I'll be up to at least 11:00,SLAVING over my science project. I haven't even begun the posterboard and it's so awful! Are you with me fellow 6th graders? It'll be amazing when this project is over!

Here's my project.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Assigned Seats Update

We, the sixth graders, have been oh-so-graciously freed from the clasp of ...DUH DUH DUH DUH...the seating chart. We are allowed to have the justice of free seating. Chances of keeping them, however, seem somewhat slim. My lucky raccoon Sodapop and I are wishing his luck on we sixth graders. Yay, Sodapop! (No pciture available at this time)

Monday, March 24, 2008

Awesomest GameBoy Games Ever!

Take these three Pokemon games:

Label them 1 being the coolest and 3 being the worst. If you haven't had any expierience with Pokemon, that's okay! Here's some hints:
Firered has a cute horse.
Emerald has a cute giraffe.
Pearl is for DS and is more detailed, but is boring!

I will declare the winner on April 12th, so get your votes in now!

P.S.: Don't forget to explain why your picked your three choices!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


As many of you know, we sixth graders have been placed in boy-girl assigned seating. Many of us don't mind, yet hate it all at once. Tuesday, these just may dissapear! Cross all your fingers for the hope of we poor sixth graders. Thanks for your support!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Baby Cousin Update!

This is my baby cousin Dakota! Need more pcitures, this isn't exactly up-to-date, but I'll have more in May!

Quick Update!

Um, I am obsessed with posting! Ha ha, there's my update!!!

Ha ha ha!

Um, well, I had a picture here of my friends and I being weird, but as I said, embarassment is key removal in blogs.

Story Starter 1

Here's this month's story starter!

You and your Mom are in a department store that has everything! Toys, matresses, groceries, clothes, video games, anything you can imagine! Suddenly, you get seperated from your Mom! You run to find her, but you get locked inside the store and are forced to spend the night. Write about what happens that night in the department store.

Funny Joke of the Month

Here's my Funny Joke of the Month!
What happens to an illegaly parked frog?

It gets toad away!


Here's Amber!, my loveley horse!!!
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Hey Ya'll

Hey, this is like, my blog. I had a pic here, but it was messed up. :p. I am in sixth grade! WAOOH!