Saturday, March 22, 2008

Story Starter 1

Here's this month's story starter!

You and your Mom are in a department store that has everything! Toys, matresses, groceries, clothes, video games, anything you can imagine! Suddenly, you get seperated from your Mom! You run to find her, but you get locked inside the store and are forced to spend the night. Write about what happens that night in the department store.

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

First, I'd pound on the door like no tomorrow, and then whip out my trusty cell phone. I'd call my mom ans she'd say that she would pick me up in the morning. So I would nonchalantly go over to the riding section and ride whatever was there. Then I'd go and watch some TV in the TV section. After some good TV watching, I'd go in the game section and tear out a gameboy and Leaf Green game. Then I'd play until I couldn't keep my eyes open. After that, I'd grab a couple of fleeces, some animals, tear off my shoes, and sack out on a water bed! -Kelsey