Saturday, December 06, 2008

Centennial Celebration!

OMG, I totaly didn't realize...the last post I did was my 100th post!!! (This is my 101st) I am so excited. How many posts have you guys reached? What will you do when you reach 100 posts? What other special things have you happily achieved? Tell all! Also, tell something random that happened in the last week as a bonus.


Kelsey said...

I have 48 posts. I'll bet that Kylie has, like 28 posts. Congrats on your 100th post! When I reach 100 posts I think I'll do a really special post! Of course, you'll just have to wait until my hundredth post to find out! :)
BONUS: Last week, Kylie had this green highlighter. When you took the bottom of it off and sniffed, it REALLY smelled bad! I took a BIG whiff and all of my brain cells died!! -Kelsey

dancer12 said...

kels is right, i don't have many posts. My 100th post will be really long. Nutcracker is over!!!!!!!!!!!!
= (