Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Scarf Lady!!!

My Study Focus teacher made all the 6th graders, 7th graders, 8th graders, and teachers at my school their own scarf. Everyone wears them around school to show their appreciation. Mine is light purple with squiggly fringe. Just in case you know, there are about 200 students in each grade, and tons of Give your thoughts on Scarf Woman. Design your own scarf by writing it here. Also, tell the story of what you would do if you were Scarf Woman (aka Study Focus woman)


Kelsey said...

If I was Study Focus Woman I would buy the other teachers some chocolate and give the students some free homework passes. I think it's amazing that she managed to do that, and you can tell her that! -Kelsey

marlee said...

u mean Mrs. Shuel <- misspelling the one she gave me is purple i cut the fringe thing at home honestly, i dont think i will ever wear it. i dont like it :(