Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ugh Day

My day of awesome was followed by yuck. Well, today was SUPPOSED to be my KOS performance day. I am getting ready to go on the stage for acting 2, right? Well, over twenty kids are jammed in this tiny space, and it's like 100 degrees! (I felt kinda sick this morning...) but I could feel myself pouring sweat and getting dizzy. All of the sudden, everything was black. Yep, you guessed it...I fainted. It was only for a few seconds but I couldn't even go onstage. (But that cute guy's face was the first I saw) We sat down and I didn't perform my song or see my VJ. Now, I've been laying in bed all day feeling sick. At least there was a Spy Kids Movie feature...

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Yeah... Sorry about that. I would tell you the story about the time I passed out when I was sick, but that may not be a good story for the Internet because it involved some puking... -K