Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Just wanted to talk about V!!!

Greatest show in DA WORLD!!! Logan Huffman is so cool, it was awesome music, wicked plots, cliffhander episodes, riviting commercials that pump you up for next week, awesome actors, the coolest cast of characters, and well....I have said enough, right?

BTW, I created a beautiful movie, the first in a series called the Art Teacher, with my awesome Flip video camera and my iMovie software, which adds a pro touch. Shall I post it here?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

LBn Wrapup!

My novel, msot of this school year in the making, will be wrapped up this weekend. Pen Name: Amber something.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Horse Show Fiascos!

Yesterday was the one year anniversary of that horrible horse show. Well, this year, we went back with confidence and I think we rocked it!!! Until Mom's wallet was swiped, anyway. Today, we returned to the show and looked for it. I went behind the bathroom and found it!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


Washed my horse when I didn't need to..oh well, I love my baby girl.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Confusing V...

The so called HERO of V, John May has been dead the whole time??? Wowie.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Waiting for V to come on...only about forty minutes are left until JOHN MAY (that's the episode title) arrives to TV!!1

Monday, April 12, 2010

Funny, fun

Today, my friends and I made up songs for eachother to the tune of small world after all. We would fill their name in for SMALL such as It's a Sarah world after all. It was fun. One of my friends had books lying everywhere, only on flavor of ice cream served, and her face carved into everything. One friend had clouds in the sky shaped like guitars, while another had all black clouds and everyone knew how to growl. ANother friend had her crush's portrait in the center of town and his face on all the money.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Break woes

Alas, it is over. Well, a few more hours anyway.

At least V is coming sooooon!!!

Yesterday, I saw a guy that looked EXACTLY liked #3 at the Nolensville Festival...he nearly gave me a heart attack!!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Just saw SO many cool historical things today! I saw Paul Revere's house, the Old North Church, the Boston Massacre sight, and the Bunker Hill monument, just to name a few. Pics? I don't think so. Video tour= cancelled. Just didn't have time, unless I wake up reeeeealy early tommorrow. I'm not a morning persona, so NOOOOO!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Long live the Fifth Column! (After episode)

I LOVE V!!! Of course, dang commercials stuff its time slot. Anyway, Logan Huffman was absolutley beautiful in this episode!! Georgie was kidnapped, and that cutie from the 5th column is taking action. Here is a graph I made via GraphJam that shows how I feel about TV.

Long live the Fifth Column! (Before episode)

V in six hours! I promised myself I wouldn't obsess this week, but I did and am! Logan Huffmaaaaaan!!! Anyway, this will be an exciting episode, besides the title. "Pound of Flesh"? What the heck?!?!?

Monday, April 05, 2010

Crazy, hectic, AUGGGH!!!

So, we drove this morning to my Grandfather (Pop Pop)'s old college and got a VIP tour. Hey, then some tall navy boys came over...meh, they were okay. I prefer blondes with glasses. I took, like, a 25 video diary. We then made our way to Plymoth rock and ship. Mom made me get lobster...GAAK! I can't eat when the thing I'm eating is looking at me!!!!!

THEN, we took about eight diferent wrong turns and got lost at least eight times. But, now we're home! Or...temporarily home.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

This is my 301st post!!!

You know what that means!!! 300TH POST CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I was gonna count 300 !s, but that's waaay too much of a chore. Video tour soon, I PROMISE. Happy Easter

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Good evening

I am freaking tired. Tommorrow, when sunlight shines, I will make a video tour of this super coolio house and put it here. And on Facebook! Hello, no one reads this. BTW, I'm like, the sixth link on Google. More hits?!?!? Maybe??


I am sitting in this 180 year old remastered house. It is SO cool! There are still wood planks from the original structure! I'll snap some picks while I'm here. Or a video tour on my sweet camera.

It's too early...

At 5:36, expecially for a SATURDAY. But, I'm up and about ready to jet off to Boston for the week. Let's hope there's good things, because I'm wearing my Ignorance shirt and we ALL know what that means. (BAD LUCK) Well, see ya for now!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Cherry Coke

And now, an ode to a favorite drink of mine.


Cherry coke, cherry coke, with your cherriful tasting...

Small and brown, are always there for me

But, when I drink you I always find....that my crush likes someone else...

Cherry coke, cherry coke, now I might think that YOU....SUCK....

Thursday, April 01, 2010

V rocked the world

It did. Now, here are the episode titles, run down for me, the obsessive person. (Note, some quotes are censored)

November 3rd, 2009-"Pilot" Episode quote that I like-"Aw, man, she's hot!!!"-Tyler Evans

November 10th, 2009-"There is No Normal Anymore" Episode quotes that I like-"You said go home, be normal." "There IS no normal anymore, Jack!"-Erica Evans and Father Jack Landry

November 17th, 2009-"A Bright New Day" Episode quotes that I like-"MOM! There's a preist at the door!!" "Yeah, we work together." "Oh, that's cute." "GO!" -Tyler Evans and Erica Evans. "Today is a bright new day!"-Chad Decker

November 24th, 2009-"It's only the beginning" Episode quotes that I like-"You will never be alone."-Anna "What you've seen today, Tyler, is only the beginning."-Anna

March 30th, 2010(yeah, it's 4ever)-"Welcome to the War" Episode quotes that I like- "It stings like heck, but my heart is on the other side." (Erica stabs alien.) "Bet that stings like heck, too."-Erica Evans and Alien Stalker Dude "If I have to do anything to blow that woman out of the sky, I will!"-Erica Evans "Well, Welcome to the war."-Erica Evans