Thursday, October 07, 2010


Yeah! So, this week is HOMECOMING WEEK!!!!
Here's the list of dress-up days.

Monday was Pajama Day- I wore jeans, which I fall alseep in 98% of the time anyway!
Tuesday was Childhood Day-I wore an I HEART DC shirt with a Zac Efron button.
Wednesday was College/ Sports day-I mixed a Duke hoodie with a Green Bay Packers hat.
Thursday was/is Celebrity/Character day-I went as Kristen Stewart (Bella in Twilight)

YAY! Later today, I will post a video of myself being Kristen Stewart!

This weekend, I SWEAR Sophia & the Hot Junior plus the first Just Roy will be up. It kills me to see my little flip at the bottom of my purse, not having recorded anything in two weeks!! :O

Guess who we're playing?! FRA!!!!!!!!!

Hope it's a great game.


Charissa said...

Ah, the innocent days of Vanessa Hudgins and Zac Efron. :) I think I'm going to get a flip! I found one for $60.00! EEP!

Hope you beat them... but I have friends in FRA, so I hope you don't... but I hope you do.. but I don't... ARGH!

Kelsey said...