Wednesday, September 01, 2010

ImIt2AtIoNs Series Fun!

This is the logo and trailer for the amazing ImIt2AtIoNs Series!!! Here is the logo, with all the shows that weren't one timers on it!

And now for the very amazing trailer that I made, giving a brief description of all my subjects.

Hope these rock!


Charissa said...

Love it! My dad just broke his wrist! Isn't that lovely? X-P

Rebekah Paramore said...

Oh, that sucks! Hope he gets better!

I've never broken bones and hope to keep it that way! :)

Kelsey said...

that. was. WONDERFUL! and charissa, you dad needs to recover! just like my dad! he had shoulder surgery!

Kelsey said...

Which page is the airbender parody on??

Rebekah Paramore said...

CRAPPPPP!!! I never put up my airbender parody....