Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nazi Zombies parody!!

Today, I have the present of my amazing Nazi Zombies parody!

Do not watch if you have a strong objection to zombies, Nazis, both put together, or mockery of medication.


Friday, November 26, 2010


Season Two, Episode 1!!!! Something Old? New? is here!!

But first, a cool video to open the show. It's called 45 second speed ups.

Now, the main attraction!!

Written on Saturday evening: WHAT THE HECK, GUYS?!?! We've all been waiting months for the Art teacher and it goes two days without any comments?? Of course, that might be because I'm the only one not doing anything this Thanksgiving break.....sighs......

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving! Hope that the dishes you may have baked turn out great.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010


No comments from my viewers?? This is sad! Well, we've Art TEacher Friday and an awesome parody coming to you on Saturday!!

Monday, November 22, 2010


My buddy and I got 4th place in the finals for our duet! I placed 34th out of 64 people in prose, which is where I stand and read from a book.

In my case, that book was Dear Dumb Diary!!!

My place WOULD have been higher if this one lady hadn't criticized the way I looked so much!!

Anyway, new videos out soon! Art Teacher WILL be out this Friday!!! Since I'm about to be on Thanksgiving break, that'll be easy!

Spanish Class 9 will be out soon...I don't know quite when...but soon! Maybe after the Christmas specials.....

Our Christmas SPecial schedule is being compromised right now!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So Super Sorry!

I'm gonna have to push the Art Teacher to next weekend, okay??

See, my Forensics teacher needed me and my buddy to perform our duet at a tournament this weekend!!

So, I won't have time.

But the script is done!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Appallingly Stressed-Out English Teacher!!

YAAAAY! This has really fun. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another story about morning/ sleep!

Today, I don't have swim practice! YAY! So I can get my homework done! EVEN BETTER!

Here's another story:

A couple Sundays ago, my fixated alarm went off at 5:45, like always. I got up and started my routine before I remembered...it's a Power Monday. (Power Mondays are days when school starts at 8:00. It's very nice.)

So, I went back to bed and got up at six thirty. Well, as I just started to move around, I stopped, slapped my forehead, and mumbled, "It's a Sunday!"

Then, my dad went upstairs because he never hears movement before he wakes up.

One of my friends then texted me, saying she didn't expect me to reply. I told her the story. Her response?


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Morning!

It's halfway through the week, so I'll entertain you with a story about waking up!

I have two alarms, one at 4AM and one at my regular time. I keep the 4AM one on so I can wake up and know I have over an hour to sleep. Well, this morning...I rolled out of bed at 4AM. After starting my morning routine, I realized that it was still 4AM and happily went back to sleep. So, when my normal alarm went off, I slapped it in the first two seconds of play! LEGIT!!!

Want to hear ANOTHER STORY?!?!

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Next Spanish Class Short!

Yaaay! I had so much fun making this! To answer Charissa's question, the Science teacher was not SUPPOSED to fit into skinny jeans...I just didn't feel like stuffing my legs...or changing pants. As you can see in the background, my puppy was clearly enthralled.

Here's another puppy story:

Dad and I were watching Chamber of Secrets, and at the part where the Chamber opens, my puppy was staring up at the screen with big eyes and alert ears.

Yaay! Here's my video!

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Well, here's "The Appallingly Lazy Science Teacher"

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Spanish Class EIght!

Which is pretty awesome, if I may say so myself. :)

Oh and check out my "quote" for this week! It's rather humourous.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Are ya'll ignoring me?

Zero comments on my last two posts?

I mean, come on! Really!

Anyway, here's Just Roy Episode 2...with a sad/happy announcement at the end.