Friday, November 26, 2010


Season Two, Episode 1!!!! Something Old? New? is here!!

But first, a cool video to open the show. It's called 45 second speed ups.

Now, the main attraction!!

Written on Saturday evening: WHAT THE HECK, GUYS?!?! We've all been waiting months for the Art teacher and it goes two days without any comments?? Of course, that might be because I'm the only one not doing anything this Thanksgiving break.....sighs......


Charissa said...

ARGH!!! My sound quit at 5:00 min!!! I hope I can watch the rest... looks awesome!

Charissa said...

Awesome! They're awesome! And I figured out my new movie maker! HUZZAH!

Kelsey said...

So funny!! HAHA! And the Drumming Song has such a cool beat (the normal one, not the sped up one. The sped up one just confuse me... which I admit is easy to do). Anyway, I put other on the poll because about SNL, EVERYTHING is amazing!

Kelsey said...

P.S. Do you have a Skype, Bekah??

Rebekah Paramore said...

Ya know it!!! I luvs SNL!!! Good thing, I thought the art teacher was horrible...