Sunday, February 06, 2011

The Art Teacher: Loves Lost!

Here's a quicker Art Teacher (but it's awesome) to get you through your second half of Superbowl Boredom!!!


*I must confess: 3:57 to 5:00 is my favorite video clip ever. Probably becuz it actually happened....but I cracked myself up. And if you skip there and don't watch the entire awesomeness....I don't blame you. But it won't make sense unless you watch 0:00 to 3:56 first!!!!*


Kelsey said...

1:46... your face: Priceless

Rebekah Paramore said...

I'm sure I did that at least once at the time I liked "Johnny Mathestory"...

But wouldn't his face when he smashed it into the cafeteria window be priceless-er?

Charissa said...

LOL!!! Love it! Hate blogger! (will not let me post one of my oodles of vids)

Kelsey said...

That WAS suuuper funny!!