Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Hey, it's Rebekah! Your friend in Awesome!

And I'm just here to say, that if you haven't watched the Appallingly Critical Geometry Teacher....LOOK BELOW AND DO IT!!!!!

Then look below that and watch Schlep Up 3d.....Take180, one of my inspirations, made it.

I have come up with ideas for infomercials! Vote on the poll at the right to seal my decision!!

This Friday & Saturday, I will be doing FORENSICS!!!!!!!!!

SO wish me some darn good luck!!!

Sunday, I'll be home, so you can expect "The Art Teacher: Loves, lost" to be up by Sunday....BEFORE THE SUPER BOWL!!

Gotta be caught up on my commercials, no?

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!! *Special thanks to Reed, my fourth follower.

Sigh....I need one thousand more people.....:(

I'm in media right now...BORING!!!! Our subs don't know JACK about the lesson plans!

Ugamuffins. Anyway, bye until Sunday afternoon!

*Also, the two people who checked "so-so" on my vignette......I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!!!!! If you don't fess up......IT'SGAME OVER FOR YOU!!!!


Kelsey said...

Rebekah, I think you were very hyper when you wrote this post...
Just remember that!
P.S. What team are you going for in the Super Bowl?

Charissa said...

Go geometry teacher! :)

Rebekah Paramore said...

I was very hyper....:p and PACKERS BAYYBAAAY!!

Charissa said...

BOO! Sorry.... we were rooting for the Bears... although I guess I like the packers more than any other team in the super bowl... (I'm terrible at watching football.... super bowl at our house is "WAIT! IS THAT THE GOOD TEAM?!? DAD!!")

Kelsey said...

Yay! I´m going for Packers, too!!!!!