Thursday, September 30, 2010


I need ideas for Band of Nerds!!!

1.) The new Just Roy will be out this weekend...he will be bothering THE ART TEACHER!!!

2.) This coming week at school is Homecoming Week, and for character day, I'm dressing as THE ART TEACHER!!! Figured if anyone asks who I am, it'll be a good chance to publicize my vids!

3.) There is no regular Spanish Class this weekend....there will OUR FIRST SHORT! "Sophia and The Hot Junior" should be up by Sunday afternoon!

So yaya! Two new shorts to look forward to this weekend!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Okay, I think it's working! YES YES!!!

Enjoy Spanish Class SEVEN!!!

Spanish Class 7

I have a feeling that it's awesome.

Sadly, Blogger is being really dumb and won't let me add videos today!


Saturday, September 25, 2010


Just finished watching RV! Hahaha! What a grand movie. This'd be the first time I've seen it in three years!

Anyway, it's almost Sunday Morning and I'm about to start Spanish Class 7 filming! yay for late work!!

Okay! LD

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's About To Be Saturday Morning!

And here I am! Well, I went to a really late showing of Easy A, which was awesome.

But I also spazzed out on Coke and Sour Patch Kids.....oh, yeah. So now I'm posting Band Of Nerds, which SHOULD have been done hours ago.

Oh, and don't trust Blogger clocks. They are horribly off.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Spanish class news!

Okay, La Roux lied in her last announcement. I just got, like, eight new ideas for full-length episodes.

I guess sucky classes never stop inspiring you.

Anyway, there will be at least four more episodes before we switch to shorts.

Our first short will be...SOPHIA AND THE HOT JUNIOR!!!!

Thanks for voting! :)

Oh, and I'm making another video to be released....soon....probably Friday.

It's gonna be called "Band Of Nerds" and might be a new series if enjoyed.

Okay, now I'm done!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Spanish Class 6!

Now, you will understand the poll if you watch it all the way through to the end...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

The play!

It was amazing! I have made buddies all week! More pics later, but here's one of all my damsel-ness.

A video clip will be up later.

:D :D :D

Picture removed for....reasons

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Terribly sorry!

This is technically two days off from the Not-So-Elite four's release date! You see, I've been up late with rehersals from "King Arthur's Court."

It's a play that me, my BFF, and her bro are all in! If you are interested, it's at Freedom Middle School on saturday, one at 2PM and one at 7PM.

Here's the video!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Spanish class five!!! Sorry about my post inadequacy, but I don't have anything to say...

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Okay, this is more amazing than any other video that I have done!

By the way, if you haven't...LOOK BELOW AND WATCH SPANISH CLASS FOUR!!!!

Yeehoo! So movie trailer!!!

Monday, September 06, 2010

Again, Sorry..

As I gear up in my Flora costume for the making on the final Not-So-Elite Four, I remembered, "Hey! The Spanish Class Four is done!"

I leaped onto my bed and signed right on to give you.... EPISODE 4: FEET WHOMP AND PICTURES!!!!!

Don't worry, the next episode will be right on time.

But no further delays! Here!

Saturday, September 04, 2010


I'm extra behind. My writing session produced 1 1/2 chapters instead of 3!

PLUS, I got my camera taken away, so I have to make and release Spanish Class tommorrow. AS WELL AS Mom VS. AARp

Not-So-Elite four should be right on schedule, though.

Have a gooood weekend!!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

This weekend!

Since it's labor day, the videos will be in overtime!

There might be some belief that the ImIt2AtIoNs Series has been knocked down, to be finished.

NO! Haha, think something like that will keep "us" down? (more like me) NO!!!! Nothing's gonna change me! So, anyway.

Here's my schedule...

Friday: Sit down and MAKE myself write my sequel, not to get up until three chapters have been completed.
Saturday: Make the Spanish Class Episode 4: A Whomp's Worth Of Pictures
Sunday: Make my action movie parody, Mom vs. AARP
Monday: Make Not So Elite Four #3, the final episode in the series.

But don't worry, Roy has a special surprise at the end.

:D :D :D

P.S. Demon was removed because I, er...ran into some problems. But, whatever! :) It wasn't my best anyway.

P.S.S. :Shout out to Charissa's dad! Hope you feel better, Mr. Hoffman! :D :D :D

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

ImIt2AtIoNs Series Fun!

This is the logo and trailer for the amazing ImIt2AtIoNs Series!!! Here is the logo, with all the shows that weren't one timers on it!

And now for the very amazing trailer that I made, giving a brief description of all my subjects.

Hope these rock!