Monday, August 23, 2010

Picture Day!

Wearing my new Paramore "Puzzle Heart" shirt, a green cover-polo, jean shorts, and my signed blue converse, I hope today's yearbook picture turns out better than the last. Those !@#$% camera people ALWAYS catch me mid-smile! We're not talking once or twice, we're talking EVERY YEAR SINCE 5TH GRADE!!!

Anyway, let's regain my composure! :)

Here's my next Hallie Thornbetter video, filled with green screen. Sometimes, the "actors" can look a little bubbly...I'm not using a green screen, okay? It's a green sheet from T.J. Maxx. Bubbles should be excused, cause this is still pretty cool.

Anyway, here!


Charissa said...

Well, I like Taylor Swift, but the Justin Bieber clip was GREAT!!! Do you take requests for guests?

Rebekah Paramore said...

Oh, yeah! Of course I do!

Charissa said...

YAY!!! can u do 1 with..... Miley Cyrus (x-P)? Or a cartoon character?