Sunday, August 08, 2010


My next post will be my 400th!!!!!!!!!!!!


My birthday was really awesome! After the guys rocked, we all got soaked. Then, when some girls stayed the night, we watched "New Moon" and made fun of it MAJORLY.

Except smexy Taylor Lautner....dreamy....


Charissa said...

Awesome!! Ummmm... I kinda can't read your new blog. Sry!!! :)

Rebekah Paramore said...

What new blog? This or Paramore lover?

Rebekah Paramore said...

Or do you mean the template is funky and it's hard to read...

Kelsey said...

the template is what i think she means... it was hard for me 2... well, welcome to the world of the 14s. GUESS WHAT!?! My mom is letting my back our cars out and drive up and down the driveway now!! SOOOO exciting!!

Rebekah Paramore said...

That is awesome, Anne! I've only done golf carts...:( Can't wait to get behind a REAL WHEEL!

PS: DVDs going in mail 2morrow

Charissa said...

:) i've never even done a golf cart!!! consider yourselves lucky!!! and yes, i meant the template, but i can read it now.

Charissa said...
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Charissa said...

luv ur new poll!!! Whenever i answer the phone, i pinch my nose and say, "Hello, Mr. Maloneys office, how can we help you?"

Rebekah Paramore said...

Haha! I've always wanted to do that, but I usually answer normal on accident.

This is what I'll do next time.
Me: Hello?
Person: blablabla
Me: Hello? Can you hear me? (now screaming) HELLO??? HELOOOOOO?!?!?
(Person is probably holding phone away from ear!)