V was AMAZING last night, of course. Next week is the first season finale! Let's all hope ABC makes the best decision and keeps it on network!!!
Here's the next chapter! Halfway through Hayden's point of view...nearly on Bella's!
Book 1
Chapter 5
I tied my hair up in a messy bun, loose strands sliding onto my ears. I clicked onto my blog, “Writers and Questions” and read the latest comments. Many were from my old friend Clara, whom I had gone to school with for many years. Clara, who had long blonde hair, freckles, and a toothy smile, lived a life with a packed family home. We hadn’t communicated in a while, but she was now back to writing her own story on a public blog as well. “Can’t wait to read your novel when you finish!” One of her comments said, along with her picture of an anime couple smiling. I smiled at the comment, which reminded me. I typed up a storm, full of fictional events to fill the spaces forming in the plot. “Jason took me up to the room of a building, his personal place.” A line read. This was my latest fictional chapter about my character and Justin’s sneaking away on a date. I really wished this was real, this more above anything else in the book. Kicking on my blue converse sneakers, I headed out the door for another morning at school. Alison was sitting in the gym, reading. “Oh, come on. Talk to us for one second, please!” Dream begged her. “One, done.” Alison smirked, quickly snapping the book back open. “Gosh, do you have to be so antisocial?” Ben asked. “Said the guy with headphones stuffed up his ears.” I remarked, quickly scribbling down some notes for the chapters I would write later that evening. “STEVE!” I heard Dusty call as she entered the gym. Justin’s last name was Stevens, and she called him Steve as a cute pet name. I gagged at the sound of the word. As I coughed loudly, Bella snuffed at me. “She’s cool, you know. She’s on my Color Guard team.” “Oh, like you didn’t hate Dream when Ben liked her.” About three months ago, there had been many little episodes where we all agreed that Ben was in love with Dream. Of course, it filled many chapters of my novel. Dream got her “I’m gonna punch you in the face” look, but Ben couldn’t hear. He was busy trying to look like he was rocking air guitar. “We weren’t friends then.” Bella said. “All of us hated her until a few months ago, too. Except you, of course.” “Dream, back me up here!” I said, waving my hands. “You know Bella was friends with you before the Acts of Ben.” That was what I formally, as a writer, liked to call them. “I’m sick of you guys fighting all the time!” Dream stood up, fists clenched. She stomped down the bleachers, leaving Ben still air strumming, Alison reading, and Bella and me fuming. “You were friends with her before the Acts of Ben.” I told Bella smoothly, walking away. “What? I heard my name!” Ben called, finally slipping a headphone out of his ear. “Oh, it’s nothing.” I said. “No, it’s something.” Bella said with a cold smile. “I’m sure you’ll find out from Hayden soon.”
Yay! Me come in! Is this seriously based of your school life? Do they really let you have IPods out during the day??
Only in the early morning....and yes, it is!!
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